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New Zealand Diploma in Engineering on the shores of the Bay of Plenty

July 2013 start!

Unique for New Zealand in July 2013 New Zealand Diploma in Engineering (NZDE Level 6) course starts at the Bay of Plenty Polytechnic (Boppoly) in Tauranga. Initially this July start date will be for students wishing to study Mechanical Engineering, and Civil Engineering, as these are the most popular engineering specialisations.

The NZDE is fully internationally recognised, and accredited by the Institute of Professional Engineers of New Zealand (IPENZ). The NZDE is a 2 year, full-time course which offers entry into the engineering workforce all over the world.

Students can pathway from the NZDE into the New Zealand Bachelor of Engineering Technology (requiring an additional 1.5 year of study) or the Bachelor of Engineering (requiring an additional 2.5 years of study).

Boppoly offering discounted tuition fees for mid-year entry into the NZDE, reducing the fee from NZ$ 19,320, down to NZ$ 18,320, so a discount of NZ$ 1,000 for students wishing to start their engineering studies mid-year!

Engineering is currently listed on the New Zealand Immediate and Long Term Skills Shortage lists, and also on the Canterbury Skills Shortage List for the rebuild of Christchurch City. This means that graduates of NZ engineering qualifications will find it easier to find work, and apply for Permanent Residency after completing their qualifications.

Tauranga City, and the western Bay of Plenty region are also suffering from a lack of New Zealand trained and qualified engineering staff.

Course:              NZ Diploma in Engineering
Duration:            2 years
Requirements:    Language:    English IELTS 6
                          High School + mathematics and
                          use of spreadsheets
Tuition fee:         NZ$ 18,320 (July intake only!)