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  • Cambridge High School video
    Students from the town of Cambridge and surrounding rural areas attend the school. International students, both fee paying and exchange, are welcomed. The school is very much part of the Cambridge community, participating in a wide network of formal and informal relationships with other agencies and groups.

    See their latest video in the main article.

    read more... 22-06-2024
  • A Quality Experience for International Students in New Zealand
    Cambridge High School has successfully hosted international students from around the world since 1989. Our dedicated and experienced international support staff ensure international students have a great experience while studying at school.

    Stay one academic year, one semester, or a few weeks, all possibilities are there.

    Tuition fee for 2024 - 2025
    NZ$ 16,000 2024 and 2025 annual tuition
    NZ$ 322 2024 per week homestay
    NZ$ 400 2024 per week short stay, including homestay and fees

    read more... 19-06-2024
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