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ACG Strathallan (age 13 - 18) Papakura


ACG Strathallan is a top independent school in Southern Auckland providing world-class education and accepting students from preschool age right through to senior secondary.

Browse our web site to learn about our educational philosophy, explore our curriculum and read about some of the academic, cultural and sporting achievements that have made ACG Strathallan a leading school in New Zealand.

Established in 2001, ACG Strathallan has quickly gained a reputation for scholarship and excellence. A sense of intellectual curiosity and a love of learning characterise this school. We value academic excellence and pride ourselves in providing a safe and nurturing environment where teachers and students work together towards achieving their goals.

At ACG Strathallan, learning takes place in a positive social environment. We understand that learning and enjoyment go hand in hand. This is a place where teamwork is fostered, leadership nurtured and the individual is valued and appreciated. We encourage involvement and achievement outside the classroom. There are many opportunities to excel both in academic studies and in a range of other activities.

Our goal is to help each student become a confident, articulate young person with a strong sense of self-belief and integrity, who will leave Strathallan ready to make a positive contribution to society by leading a full, active and personally satisfying life.


One year Fees 
NZ$ 28,900 tuition fee for one year yr 1 to 6
NZ$ 35,340 tuition fee for one year yr 7 to 13
NZ$      340 homestay per week

For more information, please contact StudyNewZealand EU <- click for e-mail

ACG Strathallan senior students sit the internationally recognised
Cambridge international
Examinations. Our students
achieve outstanding results in
their examinations.

College (Years 11-13)
A wide range of subjects are offered covering humanities, mathematics, science, languages, commerce, technology and arts.

Year 11 (Form 5) Cambridge IGCSE
Students usually take five subjects plus Physical Education.

Year 12 (Form 6) Cambridge AS Levels
Compulsory Subjects: English Language or English Literature and Recreation or Thinking Skills
Optional subjects - Three subjects selected from IGCSE or AS lists.

Year 13 (Form 7) Cambridge A Levels
Compulsory Subjects - nil.
Optional subjects - Four subjects selected from the IGCSE, AS or A2 lists.

Extra-curricular and sports opportunities
There is an extensive range of activities offered at ACG Strathallan and each student is encouraged to take part in these. Participation provides students with a balanced education by developing their personal and social skills and widening their interests.

  • Duke of Edinburgh; World Vision 40 hour famine; Model United Nations
  • Kids Lit Quiz; Youth Parliament; Debating
  • Student Newspaper; Student Radio; Science CREST
  • Theatre Sports; Young Enterprise Scheme; Productions/ Musicals; Music Groups/ Ensembles
  • Various Clubs (e.g. photography, chess, drama etc.)
  • Team and individual sports include: rugby, netball, football, hockey, basketball, volleyball, tennis, rowing, equestrian, golf, badminton, motoX, multisports, skiing & snowboarding, swimming, athletics, cross country, cricket, gymnastics, trampolining, kayaking.