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Newlands College, Wellington (Age 13 - 18)


Newlands College provides an excellent education as a foundation for tertiary study. Teachers have outstanding knowledge of their subject. The relationships between teachers and pupils are based on mutual respect and encourage learning.

The school is situated in the Wellington suburb of Newlands which is a safe, thriving community. We welcome a diverse international student population from around the world. The school has many strengths including: the quality and commitment of the staff, excellent pastoral care and the range and quality of activities available. The quality of the teaching and non-teaching staff is very high. Their contribution to pupils’ education, personal development and welfare is very positive.

Newlands College is in Wellington, the capital city and major provider of tertiary education. Classrooms and buildings are of a high standard with a number of brand new teaching facilities. The school has 50 acres of grounds, a large recreation centre and modern specialist teaching areas.

All students who are homestayed by the College, are met at the airport by the Homestay Counsellor. She continues to meet regularly with each student to give guidance and to help them adjust to living with a local family. Our homestay families are carefully selected and monitored to ensure the students have a positive experience.

English Language Support
Qualified and experienced teachers work with students in groups or individually. We have staff who can speak European or Asian languages including Chinese, Japanese and Korean.

For more information, please contact StudyNewZeland EU <- click for e-mail

Newlands College Curriculum

The college curriculum is structured in such a way that every student should be able to follow courses that enable them to achieve academic success. In the senior school this means the provision not only of a traditional academic programme but also the provision of a range of courses which are skills and/or vocationally based. Furthermore, the curriculum structure is designed to allow students to pursue areas of strength, mixing traditional and non-traditional subjects into their individual programmes. Newlands College offers an extensive, balanced and challenging academic programme to all students. Our aim is to provide a comprehensive education so that students leaving Newlands College are able to be lifelong learners who are well prepared to take their place in New Zealand society.

Academic Programme 
There is a large choice of courses and options to cater for individual student needs from Years 9-13. Extension and enrichment programmes help students to excel. Newlands College has a very high level of academic success. Many international students have gained scholarships and most gain entrance into university courses of their choice. High standards of discipline and good conduct are required. High quality teaching, close individual care, attention and opportunities for personal development, help pupils to enjoy their time at our school. This enables students to grow in confidence and to achieve high standards in all aspects of their work.

Co-curricular Programme 
Drama, music and sport are all popular co-curricular activities. The arts faculty provide a number of groups. There are also opportunities to perform in dramatic productions. Choirs, orchestra and individual instrumental tuition are available for students. Newlands College offers badminton, basketball, dragonboating, football, netball, rugby, squash, volleyball and more than twenty other sports. Many students from our school have been chosen for Wellington representative teams in their chosen sport, and some have received national honours.


The Tuition Fee Covers full tuition in classes including ESOL, internet, textbooks on loan, locker and one key, government levies

Four Terms fees 2024 and 2025 (1 academic year)
NZ$ 16,000 for 2024 for one academic year  + NZ$ 1,000 admin fee
NZ$ 18,000 for 2025 for one academic year  + NZ$ 1,000 admin fee
NZ$      340 per week 2024 for homestay
NZ$      360 per week 2025 for homestay
NZ$      646 health insurance for one year

Please note: Pocket money and personal expenses are not included