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Lynfield College (age 13-18) Auckland


Lynfield College has a proud tradition of serving the central-west Auckland area for over 50 years. In that time it has developed a reputation as a centre of academic excellence in a safe, caring, positive environment. Students are encouraged to take full part in the busy life of the college, and participate in the many and varied sporting, arts, cultural, and leadership opportunities.

With over 1900 students we are able to offer an extremely broad curriculum that is able to meet the needs of most of our students. For this reason the overwhelming majority of our Year 9 intake complete five years of secondary education and leave well-equipped for the opportunities and challenges of tertiary study, trades training and employment. The careers and academic staff work with the students to ensure they are aware of their options and make sound decisions prior to leaving Lynfield College.

Lynfield College also offers a wide variety of extra support for students. Our ESOL programme caters for the needs of our second language students. Students with learning difficulties have the advice and guidance offered by the Learning Support unit to help them with their learning.

The Gifted and Talented Co-ordinator oversees the advanced learner programme that is provided in the junior school. In the senior school advanced courses in a range of specialist subjects provide pathways that extend our most able students; scholarship and co-curricular competition success is the expectation.

LynfieldCollege operates its own homestay programme with staff on site and available to students and families during the school day. In selecting and monitoring homestays we consider “if a child of mine was to go to study overseas, what sort of environment and safeguards would we want for them?”

All prospective Homestays are interviewed and police-vetted and their homes inspected according to the requirements of the Code of Practice. Many families have worked with the school for more than ten years. Students will have their own fully furnished room, all meals including a lunch to bring to school, and their laundry done. Most homes are in walking distance to school.

Academic Programme at Lynfield College

The Lynfield College Curriculum is built on the framework provided in The New Zealand Curriculum and supports our aim to "inspire students to achieve educational excellence through a rich learning and social environment".

Lynfield College provides a broad-based junior school programme as a general introduction to each subject area so that students will be in a position to make an informed choice in their senior programme when specialisation is required.

At the end of Year 9 and Year 10 a Junior Diploma is awarded to those students who maintain high standards with respect to their commitment to learning, behaviour, attendance, uniform, support for school activities and sharing in school pride and spirit.

The senior school caters for students of all abilities and offers a quality, relevant programme through its flexibility and exceptional choice of courses. Students are introduced to a range of qualifications and have an excellent springboard into careers or further education and training.

Most students plan their courses with five years secondary education in mind and stay for Year 13. It is essential to regard NCEA Level 2 as the minimum qualification. In selecting courses, students should determine what they need when they leave, then plan back from there (see the Course Flow Chart).

Senior students who attend Lynfield College will work towards their National Certificate in Educational Achievement (NCEA). Each course (subject) lasts for the school year and includes several assessment activities that earn credits towards NCEA. Each assessment activity relates to one part of the course called a standard and may be internally assessed (within the school) or externally assessed (national exams in November). Each standard that is successfully achieved is worth a certain number of credits that count towards earning a certificate or entering university.

Students from non-English speaking backgrounds are supported in ESOL classes according to their level of proficiency. There is a Foundation English class for new arrivals and beginners, and ESOL classes at all year levels, including IELTS preparation. Students are tested on arrival, and placed into appropriate English classes. All levels are catered for but if students intend to enter NCEA examinations at level 1, 2 or 3, they will need to show an adequate English level. There is no additional fee for additional English language support.


NZ$ 18,500 one year Tuition, Administration, ESOL Textbooks and Student ID Card
NZ$ 15,778 one year homestay, NZ$  343 per week for full
                        accommodation including three meals a day,
                        seven days a week plus laundry

Please note: Pocket money and personal expenses are not included